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Saturday, July 27, 2013

2013 July Aikido Keiko Reflections

26th Keiko, 6th Kyu Promotional Exams
2013 Jul 27, Sensei Dam

25th Keiko
2013 Jul 15, Sensei Dam
Tai no nenko
Front kotegaeshi
Review of proper ikkyo
Proper shihonage

24th Keiko
2013 Jul 9, Sensei Billy
Basic exercise
Five (5) steps
Front and back rolls
Katatetori ikkyo, sankyo, front
Shomeni uchi iriminage, sankyo, kotegaeshi, front

23rd Keiko
2013 Jul 8, Sensei Dam
Five (5) basic steps
  1. Okuri - right front 1st, then left at back
  2. Tsugi - left back  1st then front
  3. Ayumi - left back whole step across, front right, then front right
  4. Tenkan - 180 turn using left back turning left
  5. tentai - 180 turn twisting using balls of feet
Mai ukemi
Tai no henko
Katate tori

Ikkyo - uprooting, unbalancing, proper steps, proper twists or the wrist
Nikkyo ura

22nd Keiko
2013 Jul 4, Thursday, Sensei Troy
Katate tori ikkyo